Project Empath


aims to raise awareness about gender stereotypes and prevailing traditional masculine norms

(that can often lead to inappropriate patterns of behaviour)

Invitation to the closing conference of the Empath project

At the conference, we will present the results of the EMPATH project, which focuses on overcoming gender stereotypes and toxic patterns of masculinity and their impact on young people and society. Participants will learn about the achievements of the project, hear expert contributions, participate in workshops and acquire tools for promoting gender equality in education and beyond.

Analysis of the existing situation

What has EMPATH analysis of the current situation shown?*

In contrast to secondary school teachers and especially university teachers, the majority of students believe that men are naturally better leaders than women (71%), that they are more risk-taking than women (71%), that competition is more in the nature of men than women (65.4%) and that winning is more important for men than for women (52%). Individual students still believe that traditional gender roles are dictated by nature, that men are superior, competitive and dominant in public and private relationships; they also believe that men should be paid more by default. Paid work is perceived as the preserve of men, unpaid domestic work as the preserve of women. The traditional division of gender roles is also reproduced by women. Even female teachers who are critical of traditional gender roles admit that, for example, women would also feel uncomfortable if their husbands earned less.

*The analysis of the situation was carried out through focus groups and a questionnaire survey with female and male students and male and female secondary and higher education teachers.

The vast majority of students (90%) think that women refuse to have sex because they simply do not want to, and more than a quarter of students also think that women do it as part of a flirtation or because they want men to pursue it (26% of respondents in both cases). In addition, almost a fifth (20%) believe that women refuse to have sex in order to tease, 18% see it as a way of manipulating men and 14% believe that women refuse to have sex because they play hard to get.
The questionnaire data reveal that heteronormativity and heterosexuality still dominate societal views on sexuality, especially among adolescents and to some extent also among teachers. Gender roles in sexuality also conform to traditional norms, with both boys and girls adhering to predefined roles. While the majority of respondents understand that ‘no’, in terms of sexual consent, means ‘no’, some groups, especially boys, perceive ambiguity in the refusal of sexuality.

Most respondents agree that it is good to have people close to them who they can consult when they are in need. Most female teachers reject the statement that it is not appropriate for men to ask for help even when they need it, but almost 20% of male students still agree. There are significant gender differences: 23% of boys agree or strongly agree, while another 20% are not sure. There are also major differences between female and male students in the statement that they never ask for help: while more than 80% of male teachers disagree with this statement, more than 30% of female students agree, with 43% of male students agreeing or strongly agreeing.
Most respondents recognise the benefits of seeking help from trusted people, although some students still agree that men should avoid seeking help. Although seeking help in times of need is important for all, both men and boys encounter difficulties in communicating and seeking professional help, and both students and teachers at both levels of education perceived girls and women as more communicative and talkative, while men and boys are more likely to withdraw from conflicts.

The answers of the female and male respondents regarding the restriction and suppression of certain emotions such as fear, sadness, shame revealed that the majority of the female respondents (74%) (strongly) disagreed with the statement that “It is not appropriate for a man to express emotions such as fear, sadness, shame” (74%). Among teachers, 94% of university teachers and 82% of secondary school teachers (strongly) disagreed with the statement. However, 35% of the student population (completely) agreed with the statement – 40% of girls and 33% of boys.
All three groups of female and male respondents recognise traditional masculine norms of emotional restriction and oppression. Female secondary and higher education teachers were more critical of these norms and their impact on emotional competence and well-being. Students showed less awareness and, in this sense, were more likely to conform to traditional views of gender roles.

While the majority of university (83%) and secondary school (71%) teachers disagree (strongly) with the statement that “it is in the male nature to use physical force”, the answers of female students are very divided (43% disagree (strongly), 35% agree (strongly), and a large number are also undecided (22%). Similarly, the answers of male and female teachers and students differ on the causes of male violence. Although the majority of male and female respondents in all groups largely disagree with the statement that ‘a man has to use physical force to achieve or maintain his position in society’, the strength of disagreement among female teachers is much higher than among female students, a quarter of whom (26%) are undecided.
The results of the focus groups show that although physical violence is unacceptable in principle, the use of physical force is justified in some cases/situations. Interestingly, some participants relativise the idea that violence is gendered or oppose the idea that (only) men are violent. This could be seen as a positive stimulus for the analysis and discussion of women’s violence/gender power and as a view that opposes the naturalisation of violence by men.

Half of the students believe that feminism does not fight for gender equality, and many believe that gender equality has already been achieved in society. Interestingly, the perception of feminism and its achievements among the younger generation is quite different from the generation that has participated in this fight for gender inequality and experienced first-hand the progress in equality thanks to feminism.
On the subject of the role of feminism, students tend to believe that it has become harmful, secondary school teachers have opposing views, and university teachers mostly disagree with harmfulness of feminism. Awareness of the inadequate situation in the field of gender (in)equality among female and male students has proved to be very weak.

Real boys, real men?


They prove themselves through physical strength and are resistant to pain and hardship.


Never show vulnerabilities and weakness.


The main financial providers and decision-makers in families and partnerships.


They prefer conquest to emotional intimacy, proving themselves through casual sex.

In reality, these are elements of toxic masculinity and social norms that are harmful to boys, men and society as a whole.


Elements of unhealthy masculinities discourage men from expressing the full range of emotions, especially those considered to be expressions of weakness and vulnerability (e.g. sadness, fear or empathy). Men feel pressure to appear stoic, that expressing emotions is inappropriate for them and disapproved of by those around them, which can lead to a range of problems related to (in)expressing their feelings and relating to other people. Moreover, showing vulnerability (which we all feel) is perceived as a sign of failure and discourages men from seeking help and support in moments and situations when they might need it.


Elements of harmful masculinities promote the idea that the use of physical power, dominance and aggression to validate masculinity is reasonable and desirable. The latter leads to the normalisation of violence, including physical, emotional or verbal aggression, as a means of demonstrating, validating and maintaining masculinity. Toxic masculinity, on the other hand, expects men to continually prove their dominance over other men, thus leading them to engage in a constant competition in which winning and success matter above all else.


Elements of toxic masculinity contribute to the problem of objectification of women, as men are seen as conquerors and hunters, and women as passive and waiting objects of desire.


Toxic masculinity often involves fear or disdain for behaviours and identities that contradict traditional masculine norms and perceptions, leading to stigmatisation and discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

How can the above patterns harm you and society?

How could it be otherwise?

Peer violence

Peer on peer violence refers to different forms of aggression perpetrated by a peer or group of peers against a child or adolescent. It can involve different types of violence at the same time: physical, psychological (scolding, name-calling, exclusion from society and class, slander), sexual, online and economic (blackmail, theft). Such violence often escalates; it becomes more severe. It is a type of violence that is often also based on intimidation, so adults need to be able to recognise it and take appropriate action. The victim has a great fear of both the bully and of reporting, fearing further or increased stigmatisation and ridicule.

What can I do if I am a victim of peer violence?

For help and advice, we can also turn to:

This is the portal To sem jaz.

This is the Unicef Safe Point.

TOM phone line for children and adolescents (every day between 12.00 and 20.00): 116 111.

The Society SOS Telephone for Women and Children – Victims of Violence (24h/day): 080 11 55.

Police: 113 or anonymous police phone line: 080 12 00.

What can we do if we notice someone is experiencing peer violence?

Sexual violence

Sexual violence includes all acts related to sexuality that a person feels are coercive. It is any unwanted interference with an individual's sexual integrity. Some acts of sexual violence include unwanted groping, coercion to have sex, rape, masturbation in the presence of the victim without his/her consent and coercion to masturbate in front of the perpetrator, sexual slavery, intrusive verbal incitement to sex, sexual harassment, and the like. The perpetration of sexual violence is most often a demonstration of superiority and complete humiliation and control. Sexual violence results in feelings of guilt, dirtiness, humiliation, lack of confidence in oneself and others, and other adverse consequences for the victim.

What can I do if I am a victim of sexual violence?

Sexual violence includes any act related to sexuality that a person feels is coerced. It is about any unwanted intervention in the sexual integrity of an individual. Some acts of sexual violence include unwanted groping, forcing to have sex, rape, masturbation in the presence of the victim without her consent and forcing to masturbate in front of the perpetrator, sexual slavery, intrusive verbal incitement to sex, sexual harassment, and the like. When committing sexual violence, it is most often a matter of proving superiority and complete humiliation and control. The consequences of sexual violence are manifested by victims in feelings of guilt, dirtiness, humiliation, distrust of themselves and others, and in the form of other unfavorable consequences.

What we can do if we notice, sexual violence against someone?

Emotional and moral support for the individual experiencing violence is extremely important. We should try to talk to the victim of violence as much as possible. Let us not forget that it is often as bystanders that we can save the victim of violence from worse consequences in time. If we suspect or have specific information that someone is being sexually abused, it is important to report it to the police (113) or to the police anonymity line (080 12 00). We can also contact the local social work centre.

If you would like to have an advisory conversation, we can turn to non-governmental organizations.

SOS Phone Society for Women and Children - Victims of Violence (24/7): 080 11 55

Society for Nonviolent Communication (Mon-Fri: 8:00-16.00): 01 4344 822 or 031 770 120

Association for Strength (24/7): 041 204 949

Only YES means YES.

The previous so-called coercion model has thus been abolished and replaced by the consent model, which also significantly shifts the burden of proof – if the coercion model is based on proving the victim’s defence, under the consent model the courts would be concerned with the perpetrator’s proof of consent. In fact, the only yes means yes model assumes that each person decides for him/herself whether he/she is ready and willing to have sexual intercourse. If a person does not freely and actively consent to sexual intercourse (in words and actions), he or she is raped. This is also an important symbolic message to women and their bodies, which should no longer be perceived as walking bait for anyone who might want to have sex with them.

Online violence

Online violence is violence committed by one or more persons against another person or group of persons using information and communication technology. Online violence is carried out via the Internet, e-mail, social and social networks, etc. It is manifested as bullying, intimidation and harassment. Online bullying is about sending, posting and sharing negative, discriminatory and harmful content about another person in order to embarrass and/or humiliate him or her. Some other forms of cyberbullying include taking, recording and posting images without permission, sharing and blackmailing intimate images or photos, using a fake profile, creating hate groups, stealing passwords and making threats. The epidemic has also brought about a huge increase in online violence as a large part of our communication and socialising has moved online. Online violence is less frequently discussed in public, but this does not diminish the serious consequences of these practices, which often result in shaming and thus further (self)censorship of the victims. Although abuse takes place in the virtual world, this does not reduce the victims' suffering, and criminal legislation will have to follow in order to adequately address online violence.

Do you know...?

More than half of teenagers said that photos of male influencers and female influencers are unrealistic, that they are achieved by using filters and other programmes that make them look perfect. Young people would like to see photos labelled as unreal in this way, as it would help them when comparing and feeling dissatisfied with their own appearance (, 2022).

We cannot compare our bodies and our lives with artificial photographs and installed photographs that have nothing to do with reality. Comparing and pursuing such ideals leads to dissatisfaction, as (2022) study showed that 45% of adolescents compared themselves to online influencers in primary school and were dissatisfied with their appearance as a result. In secondary school, the percentage is higher, with 59% of teenagers and pre-teens comparing themselves to influencers.


How can the internet affect how we feel?

As a recent study (2023) has shown, teenagers’ well-being can be strongly affected by various online situations where they feel excluded from society or are victims of online violence. The results showed that teenagers feel worst when they are excluded from a private group of peers on a social network or app, or when someone makes fun of them online. Almost half feel bad if they see pictures online of a party they were not invited to, and they also feel bad if someone does not reply to a message sent to them, if they receive a negative comment on their online post and if no one likes their post (, 2023).

What can I do if I am a victim of online violence?

If you wish to have a counseling conversation, you can turn to non-governmental organizations.

SOS phone society for women and children - victims of violence (24/7): 080 11 55

Society for non-violent communication (Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00): 01 4344 822 or 031 770 120

TOM phone for children and adolescents (every day between 12:00 and 20:00): 116 111

What can we do if we see someone being abused online?

Emotional and moral support for the person experiencing violence is extremely important. We should try to talk to the victim as much as possible. Let us remember that it is often as bystanders that we can save the victim of violence from worse consequences in time. If we suspect or have specific information about online violence, it is important to report it to the police (113) or to the police anonymity line (080 12 00). We can also contact the local social work centre.

Positive conflict resolution

… Talk about it, clearly disclose our feelings and our view of the situation.
It is important that we are willing to listen respectfully to others involved in the conflict, giving them space and time to share their views and their experience of the situation.
Together, we agree on ways to resolve the situation.
Reach a compromise that is satisfactory for all parties involved.

For teachers

Examples of activities and lessons for teaching staff.

Discuss gender stereotypes and their negative impacts on creating relationships and expressing emotions and behavior. Create safe spaces for respectful and inclusive communication where students can safely discuss their feelings and experiences. Reflect and help students overcome gender norms in dressing and expressing their identity, without expectations based on gender. Systematically address patterns of intimidation and other types of violence in the classroom. Teach students about the importance of respectful communication and consent in interpersonal relationships.

  • Bullying
  • Remorse
  • Spreading (false) rumors
  • Isolation
  • Threats
  • Encourage students to think about and add other forms of bullying.
  • Ask them how different types of bullying differ, the different ways we experience them, and what the consequences are.
  • Together, come up with a common definition of bullying – think about it and write it down.
  • Think together with students about the most effective processes that could prevent bullying within the school environment. Ensure that everything spoken and agreed upon becomes part of the official plan that everyone will follow.

Encourage conversation about various types of violence that occur inside and outside of school. Discuss the importance of creating a safe environment and the reasons why some individuals may hide or not report violence. Explore the emotions and experiences that come with experiencing or witnessing violence. Consider the necessary next steps, which should involve all school staff, the entire school community, and parents/guardians. Identify safe spaces and ways for students to talk about violence. Encourage students to think about various conflict resolution tactics, emphasizing that violence is not the same as conflict. Conflict is a normal part of relationships where parties may not always agree. Conflict is resolved through compromise that satisfies everyone involved, while violence ends with an imbalance of power.

Examples of workshops for high school students

VIDEOS - Making it (easier) to start conversations about violence and bullying in the school?

What can teachers do to pursue gender equality in the classroom?

Ensure that all selected educational materials and delivery methods are free from gender stereotypes and gender expectations.
Make sure that all educational materials used portray different genders equally, in particular problematise any stereotypical portrayals of a particular gender (e.g. portrayal of women in private life and in a subordinate position, normalisation of aggression and power-seeking in men, etc.).

Task male and female students with the same chores, avoid asking male students to help with technical matters and avoid putting girls in charge of keeping the classroom neat and clean.

Use gender inclusive language.

Seek the opinion of pupils of all genders, not only men, as many surveys suggest is the common practice.

Encourage female and male students to talk about their positive and negative emotions.

Be aware of your own internalized stereotyping, and if you find yourself using it (even in the form of covert or overt curriculum), speak up about it in class.
Respond if you hear gender stereotyping or sexist slurs among students, talk about it, take the time to contextualise the issue – your job is to create an inclusive and safe environment for all in the classroom.

Avoid segregating students into separate classes, separate sports activities, etc. Organise students into groups where they work and participate together, rather than segregating them by gender.

Explore, reflect and problematize the treatment (or lack of) of gender concepts and roles from different communities. Support students to actively identify and overcome current examples of gender bias, which we also witness in public life.

You may also ask your colleagues to help and give constructive criticism – to be present in your lesson and give you their input.

How can teachers contribute to building schools as violence-free spaces?

To achieve zero tolerance of violence in the community, the cooperation of different actors – parents, politicians and society as a whole – is of course crucial. Nevertheless, teaching staff have an important and powerful role to play in promoting zero-tolerance communities and schools:

Create safe spaces within classrooms where students can feel safe and secure. They should feel comfortable expressing their feelings in the classroom and they should be heard in an appropriate way. It is very important to promote empathy, respect and peaceful resolution of potential conflicts throughout the education process. The latter should be actively taught to students.

Students should become your allies in preventing violence in school settings: identify the key types of violence (starting with bullying) that occur in your schools and develop clear strategies to manage the incidence of these types of violence (from protecting victims of bullying to protecting those who see and report it to punishing perpetrators).

Within the school structure, commit to further understanding and knowledge in the field of violence, its recognition and contextualisation of its causes. Of equal importance is the development of knowledge on how to deal effectively with (potentially) violent situations, which must be supported by clear strategies and policies that first and foremost protect the victim and build trust in the school as an institution.

When addressing violence (which should be a constant and not just a consequence of the most tragic violent events), teachers should also make contact with other individuals and institutions that will help both to raise awareness of the problem and to increase young people’s knowledge of possible sources of help and of the incidence of violence itself (NGOs, official institutions, local community, parents).

How can teachers address the negative consequences of excessive use of the internet and social networks among students?

Not all of us are always OK!

Do not trust in false myths!

Older people face mental distress.

Mental distress occurs at all stages of life. Adolescents and young people need to be particularly aware of the importance of mental health at this busy and dynamic time of life, when, in the face of major physical, emotional and social changes, mental health problems may emerge or become more pronounced. In this period of life, young people are also confronted with a number of potential complicating circumstances that can have a negative impact on their mental health (pressures, social networks, entering into interpersonal relationships, etc.).

Men are so tough that they find it easier to solve their own problems.

The belief that men are so tough that they can solve all their problems on their own is a harmful myth that helps reproduce harmful gender stereotypes and elements of toxic masculinity. This stigmatises men's help-seeking and mental health care, because the myth of male self-sufficiency is based on the suppression of men's emotional expression, which has a negative impact on their well-being and on the relationships they enter into. All of this can lead men and boys to make unhealthy choices to cope with adversity, which in the long run can make them feel worse.

Eating disorders are common in women.

Although research has shown that more women than men suffer from eating disorders, many researchers have recently pointed out that eating disorders can also affect men. They may even have an increased risk of developing eating disorders as a result of pursuing certain athletic body types, but on the other hand, stigma and gender stereotypes may limit them from identifying their problem and seeking help.

Hardship is a phase that passes quickly.

The distress experienced by people of all genders and all ages varies from one another, and the ways in which we cope with it vary according to different circumstances. When feeling distress, it is important to avoid minimizing it and to remember that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but of courage!

If men speak up about their problems, they will be perceived as weak and ridiculed or bullied.

Everyone - men and women - will find themselves in situations of fear, shame, sadness or other distress at different times in their lives, in different experiences and circumstances. What is important is that we realise that we all need to work together to create a society in which everyone can talk about their negative feelings safely, rather than having our reactions to them determined by gender stereotypes and gender norms.

Women are more likely to suffer the consequences of negative self-image.

Problems resulting from negative self-image and the pursuit of unattainable beauty ideals are problems that (can) be faced by members of all genders. While men also face societal pressures and carved muscular images that they should follow, they are - because of societal norms - discouraged from talking about these pressures and problems.

Read more about the most common stresses and how you can help yourself.



The author analysed stereotypes about male-female differences in personality traits. The comparison was made on the basis of masculinity and femininity questionnaires (based on gender stereotypes) and the five big personality factors. The results showed that the stereotypes are present and are similar to those found in other similar studies: men are said to have expressed traits relating to aggressive and controlling tendencies and to asserting themselves (masculinity, competitiveness, strength, combativeness, power, authority, courage, decisiveness, sense of superiority, etc.), whereas women are expected to have more pronounced qualities relating to concern for others and qualities necessary for harmonious interpersonal relationships (femininity, tenderness, emotionality, warmth, caring, curiosity, empathy, affection, etc.).

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As part of the project, the authors conducted 8 individual and 5 group interviews on gender stereotypes in school. In total, 20 female teachers and 3 male teachers from nine schools (three primary schools and six secondary schools) participated. They found that the female teachers could be classified into two groups based on their answers about the existence, frequency and intensity of gender stereotypes. The first (smaller) group is represented by the answers that go in the direction that they do not perceive gender stereotypes as problematic in school, neither among the collective nor among the pupils. The second (larger) group, on the contrary, emphasises the presence of gender stereotypes in schools. Teachers point out that schools are based on certain stereotypes and that they themselves, through their expectations of pupils and their own stereotypes, influence the reproduction of existing gender stereotypes. For example, girls are expected to be hard-working and to learn, while boys are often labelled as lazy but smart. Teachers also point to expectations of girls to be well-behaved, hardworking and obedient, and boys to be playful and more active, the gender division of labour (a settled division of labour from the private sphere that young people perceive in peer relationships at school), the outward appearance, beauty, attractiveness, neatness of girls, and so on.

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As part of her master’s thesis, the author analysed the ways in which gender, the activities of persons and their social position are presented. The analysis included a random sample of 7 primary and 3 secondary school teaching materials in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, linguistics and arts. The study revealed that the teaching materials contain a lot of gender stereotypes, such as adult women being represented within the categories of activities performed at home (housework, shopping) or in caring for others, while adult men are represented in the context of performing public activities. In addition, men are generally more frequently represented, and the fact that members of the highest social class are always male characters is also significant. Gender roles are (also) taught through teaching materials in the course of education, which maintain and reproduce existing gender stereotypes through such gender positioning. Such messages are reflected not only in educational content but also in the subsequent study choices of men and women in either rather masculinised or feminised professional fields.

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Author conducted a qualitative analysis of an overview of the addressing of male and female students in the instructions, the use of generic masculine gender, and an analysis of examples of gender-stereotyped content in verbal and non-verbal parts of the message. Through the case study, she was interested in whether we can talk about gender-sensitive use of language in the case of teaching materials, and she also included in her analysis the teaching materials for the 4th grade of primary school. She identified two levels of gender stereotyping, namely the space reserved for men and women and the type of professions associated with one or the other gender (intellectually demanding professions are held by men). The authors of the teaching materials certainly pay too little attention to the non-verbal elements of the material, which express huge gender inequalities. Particularly problematic is the generic choice of the masculine form in the instructions, which is not even used consistently – this gives the impression to female and male students that the masculine verb form is not only generic, but also establishes a reference to a purely male addressee.

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The author’s thesis focuses on toxic masculinity at the University of Ljubljana. In doing so, he shows the different forms of masculinity and the university as a gendered institution with a long masculine history. The thesis describes the protective, toxic practices that are expressed at the university as discriminatory practices, gender-neutral curricula, gendered knowledge and teaching. Discriminatory practices are explained as toxic, tacit practices of hegemonic masculinity that reinforce the dominance of men over women. These practices, which can be manifested as direct or covert, constitute an obstacle to research and teaching, and are co-produced and reproduced by the university.

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The thesis analyses images of masculinity in young people in Slovenia, treating the body as a basis for cultural meanings – through biological signs we determine what is male and what is female. The thesis also examines the socialisation processes of masculinity and femininity and social expectations and practices. Particular emphasis is placed on the hegemonic masculinity, which is considered to be the most widely accepted and discussed form of masculinity. Western societies are thus characterised by the ideal of the white, heterosexual male who is paid for his work, and this -hard to achieve- ideal is opposed by subordinated (gay masculinities) and marginalised masculinities (gender and race).

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In the theoretical part, the thesis presents the changes in masculinity in postmodern society, and in the form of in-depth interviews, it tries to find out how the young generation in Slovenia experiences the changes in masculinity. The thesis is based on the changes that different intimate-partner and family relationships have brought to hegemonic masculinity. 

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This master thesis deals with the concepts of masculinity and men in the context of their relationship to animals and the environment. The master thesis shows that in (late) modern, contemporary societies, human treatment of animals and the environment is extremely problematic and destructive – on the one hand, it causes suffering to billions of living beings and, at the same time, permanently destroys the environment. As one of the reasons for this social reality, the author of the master thesis points to the concept of masculinity. The master thesis shows how the ideas and ideals of hegemonic, dominant masculinity influence men’s values and actions, with a particular focus on masculine norms of restrictive emotionality, sexism and eating that is centred around the consumption of meat. The work also places particular emphasis on exploring environmentalism, veganism and the politics of animal liberation movements – areas that several authors (e.g. Luke, Connell, Adams) have identified as key both to challenging hegemonic masculinities and, as a consequence, to treating animals and the environment in a more humane and less destructive way.

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EMPATH Workbooks

More about the project


Empowering Youth to Engage in Combating Gender Stereotypes by Addressing Toxic Masculinity Patterns and Behaviour

… on raising awareness among the project’s target groups and the Slovenian public about gender stereotypes and prevailing traditional norms of masculinity, which often lead to inappropriate patterns of behaviour.
The key project activities follow the pursuit of the project’s core objectives:
To contribute to raising awareness of gender stereotypes and traditional gender roles among secondary school students;
to empower them to overcome toxic masculinity behaviours that have negative consequences for men themselves and for all those who enter into relationships with them;
sensitise secondary and higher education male and female educators to recognise and act against gender stereotypes;
empower secondary and higher education educators and practitioners with the knowledge and tools to address patterns of behaviour that promote gender inequality.
EMPATH is co-funded by the European Commission under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme (CERV 2021-2027).

Project partners

University for Adult Education Celje is a public institution founded by the Municipality of Celje. Its core activity is adult education. We see the meaning and vision of our activity in a modern educational centre, where we try to keep up with all the innovations in the field of education and educate people according to the principles of lifelong learning. The Institute dedicates a major part of its activities to public service. The concern for vulnerable target groups in the local community and beyond remains a constant. The university provides education, training, counselling and support, especially for young people, immigrants, the unemployed, people in prison, pensioners, etc. 


IPES is a non-governmental, non-profit and voluntary organisation working to deepen the understanding of gender equality in society. Because of its work that goes beyond the interests of its founders and employees and is of general benefit to society at large, IPES has also been granted public interest status in the field of equal opportunities for women and men. Our vision is based on establishing and promoting activities to build a society that fully transcends barriers due to gender dimensions. Our main objective is thus to draw attention to existing gender stereotypes and socially ascribed gender roles, which, due to expectations, perceptions and patterns of behaviour, impose many constraints and subjugations on us. Our main aim is to raise awareness among different segments of the public about the social construction of these roles and the importance of including all genders in building a community based on the principle of non-discrimination and equal opportunities.



The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia, founded in 1919.Today, it is attended by around 40,000 students and employs more than 6,000 teachers, researchers, assistants, and professional and administrative staff at 23 faculties and three art academies. The main building, the academies and many faculties are located in the city centre. The newer university buildings are located on the outskirts of Ljubljana, giving the university and its students an old-world feel in the city. The University of Ljubljana is renowned for its high-quality social sciences, natural sciences, humanities and technical study programmes, which are prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Bologna Declaration. University researchers and research groups are demonstrating their scientific research work with cutting-edge projects in the arts, sciences and technology at home and abroad.


The mission of the Educational Research Institute is to develop educational sciences and suitable scientific methodologies by encouraging interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary connection, as well as collaboration with other scientific institutions in Slovenia and abroad.Through the dissemination of scientific results, we also contribute to the development of educational practice. The Educational Research Institute implements its mission and vision through scientific research, directed towards specific thematic areas that shall be researched in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary manner, through contributions provided by different education sciences: sociology of education and knowledge, comparative education, philosophy of education, pedagogical anthropology, developmental, pedagogical, and social psychology, pedagogy linguistics, feminist theories, epistemology, discourse studies, critical theory of society, etc. 




Opolnomočenje mladih za sodelovanje v boju proti spolnim stereotipom, s posebnim poudarkom na obravnavi toksičnih vzorcev vedenja in moškosti

(Empowering Youth to Engage in Combating Gender Stereotypes by Addressing Toxic Masculinity Patterns and Behaviour)

EMPATH je dvoletni projekt, ki temelji na zmanjševanju diskriminacije na podlagi spola v izobraževalnem sistemu in uvajanju perspektive enakosti spolov v vse oblike izobraževalnih praks, ter na ozaveščanju ciljnih skupin projekta in slovenske javnosti o spolnih stereotipih ter prevladujočih tradicionalnih normah moškosti, ki mnogokrat vodijo v neustrezne vzorce vedenja.

Ključne projektne aktivnosti sledijo zasledovanju temeljnih projektnih ciljev:

EMPATH sofinancira Evropska komisija v sklopu programa Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values(CERV 2021–2027).

Naši partnerji:


Empowering Youth to Engage in Combating Gender Stereotypes by Addressing Toxic Masculinity Patterns and Behaviour

EMPATH je dvoletni projekt, ki temelji na zmanjševanju diskriminacije na podlagi spola v izobraževalnem sistemu in uvajanju perspektive enakosti spolov v vse oblike izobraževalnih praks, ter na ozaveščanju ciljnih skupin projekta in slovenske javnosti o spolnih stereotipih ter prevladujočih tradicionalnih normah moškosti, ki mnogokrat vodijo v neustrezne vzorce vedenja.

Ključne projektne aktivnosti sledijo zasledovanju temeljnih projektnih ciljev:

EMPATH sofinancira Evropska komisija v sklopu programa Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values(CERV 2021–2027).